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'round 'bout

hallo.  lynz here.

firstly, mr. paul says:

> Linford's writing never ceases to amaze me.
> Almost makes me want to give up poetry in submission
> to greater poets like himself.  Almost.
> Paul.

my best guest would be that Linford (and many other
excellent writers) would be horrified that somebody 
quit writing "in submission" to them.  most of the
writers that I admire and those I have known only urge
and insist that you continue to write--for practice,
for records, for your loved ones, for sanity and peace
of mind.  most insist you write every day.

my big brother likes to write poetry.  some of it is
mildly bad poetry.  will I tell him that?  no.  will I
tell him to quit writing poetry because it's stupid? 
no.  if he is discouraged and says 'I can't do this
stuff,' will I tell him that I agree? never.  because
he is finding an outlet that enriches him and makes
him wiser.  if they found 1,000 notebooks of very
badly written and very badly spelled poems under his
bed after he died, I would be the first to grin.

besides.  mr. jack london said something akin to:
"any style I have has been aquired by much toil and
sweat.  light out after it with a tourch and you might
have something like it."

mr. steve cygnet saith:

> Great just what we need.  A gaggle of teenie boppers
> at every OTR show.  I could just see Canal Street 
> flooded with them screaming and throwing themselves 
> at Jack and Linford.  :-)
> In all seriousness, this is cool, but I wish it
> didn't have to be on a show of such little 
> brilliance.
> Steve

I only wish I had known of Over-the-Rhine when I was
that age!  there was enough melodrama and despair in
my little girl life (what, eight years ago?) that
over-the-rhine would have been a lovely relief for me.
 I'm not sure that my understanding of them would be
much better than it is now of what they say and do.  
    for all of the fickleness that there is to being a
young teenager, there is a lot of genuine insecurity,
fear, and turmoil.  there really is.  and if I had
known of a band that could honestly, beautifully, and
sincerely express that the hazards of life don't
change as you grow older.  however, you find that you
can endure them with grace.  outlive them with joy and
grow in understanding because of those days--I can't
imagine how that could affect a younger person.

and dan uttereth:

> >And on a completely unrelated (though far more
> >on-topic) note:Over the Rhine are contributing an 
> >unreleased cut to a benefit CD  Also appearing on
> >the disc are 16 Horsepower. . .Ida . . .and a bunch
> >of other quality folk ... 
> sweet georgia brown!  anybody know the scoop on
> this?
> Dan

sir, you said it before I could!


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