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saturday slightly warmer.

well hello all...i come to you today with notes from saturday's performance at the university of
dayton...but first, a few asides...

chris, i do regret not making it to the blue jordan, especially since you are rarely seen in
public as of late...i somehow had gotten it into my head that blue jordan was this coming weekend
and didn't even know until about a week beforehand that otr wasn't playing because they had
already obliged themselves to ud...sorry i missed you...

debbie, i thought you were quite cordial and felt bad for you in the cold night air being sick and

dan, next time, you're driving...i nearly had us killed three times...thought it best to fess up
about it...

bruce, i have two words for you:  duran.  and plus, i started seeing otr in 1995...and considering
i still have people carding me at r-rated movies, i tend to be saddened by such talk of age
regression...tomorrow i shall come to the tender age of 24...not 14, as many strangers would
apparently guess...

jay and lindsay...good to see you kids again...linsay, i rather enjoyed the color of your
hair...not quite fire, as you described, more like translucent fire...jay, i'm glad you're loving
your job now...

jg--will i ever see you again???

and on to other matters...

the show was held in the boll theater...it's a pretty new place...i could still smell the newness
of the carpet out in the entryway...maybe it's just new carpet...who knows...

anyway, the theater is quaint...seats under 500 i'm guessing...

there was no opener...a pleasant change...unless it's peter mulvey...just the three-piece...no
drums or bass...and no hammond or keyboards...linford played a big black grand and some guitar...

karin arrived wearing a red skirt and a black top meshy thing that was reminiscent of what the
lead singer from brownhouse had worn the night before...linford was clad in black...and jack was
wearing some polyester looking blue and burgundy shirt...

set list:
latter days (piano intro; some different piano stuff at the end)
etcetera whatever
bothered (piano extro like the latter days piano intro)
and can it be
little blue river
faithfully dangerous
show me
green clouded swallowtail
if nothing else
fairpoint diary (karin remembered the words this time)
my love is a fever
all i need is everything

there wasn't an encore...they brought up the house lights right after they went off stage...and i
heard karin remark to someone after the show that they brought them up too quick...the songs
marked for encore escape me at the moment...

it was a fairly uneventful show...they were very disconnected from the audience as opposed to the
night before...warmed up a little about halfway through...but the silence between songs was very
pregnant and uncomfortable...jack's guitar was way too high in the mix, in my opinion...sometimes
you could hardly hear karin singing...

i picked up linford and jack's setlists after the show...which was entertainment in and of
itself...both were written on pieces of cardboard box...jack had written the names to several
nonexistant songs after the encore songs, the names of which were wrought with references to human
anatomy...it was quite humorous...then scrawled very large and defiantly, the words "Stolen from
OTR" at the bottom of the list...

i was glad to hear if nothing else...they didn't play it the night before and i've become addicted
to the beatbox mix mp3...and like bruce, i'm more and more entranced with fairpoint diary...

all in all, an ok show...not nearly the energy from the night before...i've seen the three-piece
before, so i know it's not just lack of drums and bass dragging it down...things just didn't
pop...although, it was nice to be warm and indoors...

i don't know who else to be,

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