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growing up

rhys says:

otr talks a lot about time passing and youth and
growing up... and...  
and i wondered - when does age cease to matter?  when
does it stop 
being a
status thing?

--marie here :)  big smile coming your way!  long
time, no write.  sorry 'bout that.  i'm enjoying
teaching my kiddies though, if that helps.

"agism."  hmmm...isms don't seem to be the answer for
me.  almost every meeting, interaction, confrontation
makes us "deal"...and the guy you interviewed now has
to deal.  it hurts.  it's hard, but you need not be
discouraged.  if you were selected to do the
interview, it means you have the goods.  _you_ have
the goods.  that has nothing to do with him.  and
anyway, if his security is all about those around him
then he's got problems.

this point of dealing brought on by younger and/or
less experienced people can either provoke us (in a
good way) or we can allow it to embitter us and then
pull away.  tension or tearing.  that guy has to
decide whether he wants the tension or the tearing. 
and as they say, if you can't stand the heat, get you'
ass out da kitchen.

you are a well-accomplished person for your age, and
that should be encouraging instead of discouraging.  i
say "congratulations!" and hope you'll keep pressing

take care-

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