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Re: post moonlight gardens

On Fri, 01 Sep 2000 12:15:28 EDT, you wrote:

><< The only place in that area that I know of for a
>post show is Annie's.  Maybe something closer to central
>Cincinnati would be better. >>
Annie's would be okay, but perhaps a more quiet, intimate "pub-like"
atmosphere... There's always Daniel's pub in Clifton, or we could retire
back to Lebo's POST show as well as PRE show...

>Oh, come on!  I know *someone* is going to suggest Kaldi's...  
>And as Drew, Bruce, Jeff, and others remember, I just *love* Kaldi's...
And as Bruce, Jeff, Kaldi's, and others remember, I just *love* Jan...

Andrew Vogel: Program Manager at the University of Cincinnati College of
Pharmacy.               http://pharmacy.uc.edu/default.html  (513)-558-3784
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