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Re: Moon

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Amy Tompkins wrote:

> > I suspect it was so red because of the wildfires out west.  I saw it the
> night
> > before, but I'm sure it wasn't quite as spectacular.  Still really cool,
> though.
> > Blood red in a scarf of dark clouds.
> um, no, I don't think so. I live in Romania so that wouldn't have had
> any affect as far as I can tell.... I mean, it was a reddish orange
> here as well.
> Amy

it still could be so... fires, volcanoes, atmospheric pollution through
natural disasters have a way of colouring sunsets to magnificent colours
for sometimes years afterwards.  it could even follow that it has taken
this long for the smoke and ash to rise to a certain level in the
atmosphere and travel.  i'd never thought about it possibly affecting a
moonrise, though. that and the fires are pretty large by now, and there
had been some in russia earlier this summer as well as volcanic activites
in the islands.

hm. who knows.


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