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more spanish frivolity

jg wrote:
>(muchacha's  actually makes sense in a way,  since when 
>my New Mexican nephews came here and they saw the Chi-
>Chi's restaurant chain they started laughing out loud.
>we didn't understand the source of amusement,  'til they
>'splained it to us.  now i sort of see a connection.   
>don't i?)

yeah, when i first moved to Ohio from SoCal, i couldn't
believe that they'd have a pseudo-mexican restaurant 
named Tits.

upon further examination, i realized why they named it 
that.  it was because the food wasn't too good, or too 
authentic.  so maybe they had to bring attention to 
their name in some way.  regardless, my first impression
was "what are they thinking!?"

as for the word relation of chichis and muchachas, i 
don't know if that where the slang came from.  possibly.

possibly not,

+- Dan Temmesfeld - dantemm(at)erinet(dot)com -+
 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
    wish i could whisper how much i need you
+- after tomorrow i might forget to  (kingsx) -+

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