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Re: an apology and a request

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Sherry Pofahl wrote:

> >Are there any other nasty things I should know about?

Well, there's the Trial of Linford (write fifteen pages that boil down
to 'Sorry I haven't written a Northen Spy for about a year.  The one
after this should be coming in about a month.  Really.') and the Trial of
Karin (sending in a photo from a third-story bedroom window overlooking a
rain-drenched night).  There used to be the Trial of Ric, but well, too
many people started to quiver at spending that much time in a quiet


O Drew Johnson - djohnson at snowplow_org - Ld Robert Bartholomew, Midrealm   )
O                      Conjuring Private Oceans since 1992                 X
O   "Break out the Honey mustard sauce, baby..." Diablo, www.goats.com     |

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