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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V3 #225

Ya know, when you are all busy and stuff, you just gotta knock
out all your replies at once on the digest.....

>if my car was in better shape and i wasn't broke i would make the venture 
>at least one show from PA but alas i can't. soooo.... if someone could take
>some pictures of the foursome (especially a few of Chris Dahlgreen on 
>bass) i would greatly appreciate it. did you ever notice there isn't one
>photo of Chris playing live with the band from the "GDBD/end of Ric" era?

    Just as a point of clarification, I believe this is Chris
Donohue and while he shares the name "Chris" and the upright bass,
this isn't Chris Dahlgren who played with the band way back in '96.
Chris Donohue is from Nashville and I'm pretty sure I've heard of
him from somewhere (VoL?) but Chris Dahlgren is from New York.

    Different Chris, different bass.

    And in the words of Mike Georgin, "Bass is good."

>Hey, thanks all so much for the welcomes!  I'm pretty excited about this,
>it's so new to fellowship with other fans....anyway...some of you wanted
>to know where/why I was moving to GA, here's the scoop; I'm moving to
>Toccoa Falls, it's near Athens (Vigilante country), so that's an amazing
>perk....I'm going for anthropology.  Well, that's the plan, anyway, we'll
>see what actuallly takes place ;)  I hope to do relief work, sort of like
>the Peace Corps, but I really want a missions focus.  I'm a strong
>believer in Christ, and I want the world to know why, and why I think He
>cares so much for them that they should find that joy.  SOOO...well,
>speaking of school, I have to go study (taking a mini-mester locally this
>summer in York)...so I guess I'll talk whenever....do you guys usually
>respond individually or collectively like this?  Hope to hear from you
>all soon!  Go play outside.

    Welcome, young Meredith to the Over the Rhine list.  We have
lots of fun here.  Moreso, welcome to Georgia.  You will love it here.
I live in Marietta, which is just outside of Atlanta.  Lots of
opportunities to see the Vigilantes of Love in concert, plus
every once in a while some other band makes its way down here
(like, once a year, maybe) from Cincinnati, and if not, Nashville
isn't *that* far away and they seem partial to perform there

    Oh, and what I do....  I'm a computer programmer.
I work for IBM Learning Services.  We write educational software.
It's a lot of fun for a high-tech job.

    See y'all kids soon,


"more and more I'm secretly just me"
Over the Rhine - Goodbye

Jeff Holland      JHolland444 at hotmail_com

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