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canal street horror story.

the guy in the truck wrote:

> Bad Otr Experience

wow...i read the first line and think, i bet this is from that person i heard
about who drove all the way up from st. louis and couldn't get in because it
was sold out...

and to my utter horror, i read on and realize someone had a bad otr 
experience because of me...

> I go to canal street to buy tickets on Thursday night.  Turns out they're 
> closed.  This is very disappointing as I realize I will have to buy tickets 
> on DOS but the two dollars extra doesn't really bother me - its OtR.  So I go 
> down again at 5:15 (during their posted Happy Hour - and on a Dragons game 
> day, no less)  Well the door is closed and there is a girl (who looks like an 
> OtR fan BTW) sitting on the front steps talking on a cell phone.  

that would be me...hi, i'm megan...a little red-faced at the moment, but nice
to meet you...

> I roll down 
> the window and ask her if they are closed.  She says "yes"  I then go on to 
> lament aloud, "They were closed last night, too.  How can I get tickets if 
> they are closed?"  She shrugs her shoulders. I say thanks and drive on.

let me interject here for a moment...i didn't hear the ticket part...i thought
you were just ticked off that the bar that said it would be open wasn't open...
and my nephew in florida was trying to tell me at that exact moment when my
sister would be home from work...so trying to listen to two conversations at the
same time is not my best trick... 

> So that night we get there and she is still there in front of the line.  A 
> man in the line in front of us says that he went in and bought a ticket at 
> 6:15.  Of course, by now they are no longer open.  Well - when the doors open 
> a little after 8:00 we find out they are sold out.  I happened to have a 
> ticket, but my friends who had come with me did not (it was theirs I had 
> tried to secure those previous times) So I got in and they didn't.  

ok...and here at this point i offer to you and more importantly to your friends
my most sincere and humble apologies...i had no idea the doors were even open...
a little while after you came by, some people just walked in...which freaked me
out because i've never seen that happen before a show before...i'm used to people
waiting outside for hours before canal street shows begging to just come in and
pee and being turned away...

> So there in the very front center is this girl.  She deserves this seat - she 
> waited patiently for it.  But what I want to know is why she told me they 
> were closed?  Would she really sit two feet away from the door in the sun and 
> not actually try the door?

actually, yes...i never even tried it...just grabbed my book and plopped down 
for the wait...

>  Was she lying to me?  Did she just answer without 
> hearing me because I was interrupting her phone call?  

i wasn't lying...i was wrong, but i wasn't lying...and in part didn't hear your
question...many misfires in communication all at once...

> I would just like to 
> know.  My faith in humanity is not fed here.  Why can I not ask a stranger 
> (an OtR caliber stranger at that) an honest question and get an honest answer 
> in return?  Should I have just not asked her - or after she said they were 
> closed, insulted her by asking if she actually tried the door before making 
> this assumption?  I'd really like to know, because due to this misinformation 
> and my failure to doubt her and see for myself, my friends waited in line to 
> be turned away at the door.  It rather irritated me.

it irritates me too...because i feel really bad...i'm very sorry...

and rick, i thank you for your endorsement...i try to be a nice 
person...and i hate when things turn out bad like that...

so next time, i'll check the door...and next time, i'll tell my nephew to hang
on a sec...

so mister, i'm really sorry about what happened and that it's partly my
fault...please don't throw rocks at me next time we run into each other...i
didn't mean to be stupid...


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