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Re: clive liked it

cemery said this:
> >>A black and tan is half stout and half ale.   Let's not take branding
>much to heart.
>I'm wondering though.  I've been wondering but haven't pursued trying to
>find out.  Guinness is Irish; Bass is English.  The Black and Tans were
>basically the terrorist branch of the English army during the Irish
>revolution.  Somehow I doubt, given that fact, that the name "black and
>tan" is coincidental.  Or that the clash of English and Irish in the
>glass is coincidental.  Something to think about.  Nothing I have answers
> >okay, iīm confused...why would you work at liking something you donīt
> >necessarily need to like?  seems like a waste.
>Hi, Marie.  :)
>The first time I tried beer it was something cheep and I was like, "Hmm.
>Okay.  Hmm."  And I tried it a few other times without quite
>understanding why Homer says, "Mmmm.  Beer," though I discovered that
>there was a reason to drink good beer rather than cheap beer.  But.  What
>happened was.  One day.  I *wanted* a beer.  "What is it that I need?" I
>thought.  "It's beer!  Off to the Heorot!!"
>Really the only proof that beer might be a worthwhile taste to acquire is
>all the people who say it is.  Which includes CS Lewis, and everybody
>listens to CS Lewis.  :)
>Here end my two cents,

amen fred.  i didn't always like onions or mustard, or thunderstorms, or 
opera music, for instance. in fact i used to hate them with a passion.  but 
now i know that i'm a better person because of the important role they play 
in my life. (i'm almost sobbing with gratitude, here)

thus ends my too sense,

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