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Re: The Hills Are Alive (fwd)

On 5/24/00 12:47 PM, kelvinbailey at springmail_com 
(kelvinbailey at springmail_com) wrote:

>In spite of Rap Artists' protests to the contrary, music today,  for the most
>part, has lost it's soul. Actually, "Killed" is a better word, for the
>call to violence that is such an integral part of today's music betrays
>what music was meant to be.  From the first caveman who noticed
>the haunting chant of the wind over an entrance to his cave, all the way to
>the most contemporary interpretations of techno-pop by artists such as
>Tangerine Dream, music is meant to glorify life --  to be a treat for the 
>an exclamation point, an expression of  hope, a celebration.  Not an 
>outlet for hate.

Oh, piffle. I think that's a melodramatic, narrow-minded view. Go listen 
to Peter Mulvey or VNV Nation or Delirium. 

"No soul" indeed.
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