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Re: A must read.

From: <Ysobelle at aol_com> said:  SHARE!

Okay, I got enough messages back that I will write it to the whole list.
*grin* ... Keep in mind it's a note to me.... :-)


I'm here at the Over the Rhine office and Stacie just showed me your
website.  (my note, for anyone who cares my website address is
www.bigfoot.com/~prayforamy) Very nice. Thank you for doing something good
for the children of this world.  We're very proud to be associated with
people like you who have a little
something to do with our music and who are making the lives of others more
meaningful. Thanks for the inspiration. Jack and Hazel Henderson, our guitar
player and his wife, spent several years in Romania working with orphans. We
should get you folks together so that you could begin communicating. Their
time in Romania effected them very, very deeply and Jack even wrote songs
about their work and the friends they made.

Anyway, Stacie said she was sending a care package your way, and I was just
wondering if there was anything from our catalog that you wanted, or if a
clean t-shirt would be of interest. Just let Stacie know and she'll hook you

Many blessings and bon courage,

Linford Detweiler"

So,  what does you think? Stacie had much fun setting this up and informed
me that I should brag about it to the list... seeing as most of you can see
them anytime you want... and I have yet to be able to go to a show...


"Now if you asked me where I'd rather be I'd say nowhere"
Karin Bergquist - Over the Rhine

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