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Re: Malone/Canton OtR show

>Malone College, 9PM THIS Saturday, $8, Canton Ohio.
>Who is planning on going?  Chris and I were thinking of making the trip.
>One of my good pals has a birthday late in the week so that could put a
>damper on it, other than that it seems cool.  Any ideas on this Havipalooza
>festival there?  What is it?  Will OtR play an abbreviated set?

I've got some friends that live on campus and work for the college...perhaps 
I can ask them what the story is, if I can just remember a phone number or 
email address I suppose. In fact, IIRC, Karen was a pretty big fan of Over 
the Rhine...perhaps she was even part of bringing them to campus, although I 
guess they have other connections there as well.

I'm all for going to the show, though. And I think JG will be there. :-)


(yeah, I know this is a different email address - but I'm still the same 

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