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Re: Times like this I wish

In a message dated 4/18/2000 1:51:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
b_lachey at hotmail_com writes:

> The whole thing is an "interpretive dance".
>  There really is nothing goofier than interpretive dance.  Synchronized 
>  swimming is a close second, but it's not as pretentious.

it cracks me up that my performance final for eurhythmics is interpretive 
dance.  it is really goofy.

and matt, about those guitar tabs, *latter days* is available at 
www.overhterhine.com, and over the summer there should be more songs 
available.  at least, that's the rumor.  the only thing is that you have to 
have that adobe format thingy to print out the music.  latter days is 
surprisingly easy to play...i think they transposed it to make it easier to 
play, though.  the entire thing is g, d, emin, and c....if i remember rightly.

happy hunting!

and nikki, i'm sure you could play the guitar.  if *i* can play the guitar, 
anyone can play the guitar!

*hugz and kisses*
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