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Re: Re: protagoras, moral sensibilities, very little otr

hello, dear ones.

there is so much to reply to, but i'm leaving for seattle in about an hour 
so i'll keep it short and sweet.

to paul and marie and everyone else who feel strongly about intellectual 
debate:  please don't think that i'm saying debate and discussion have no 
place.  in fact, i'm a huge advocate of it.  marie very eloquently plead the 
necessity for a thoughtful foundation to everyday action.  i would agree.  
it's just that i've seen a lot of people discuss grand ideas about important 
things, but then go on to make absolutely no changes in the way they live 
their daily lives, and in the way they challenge others to think.  words 
without actions are dead.  they also lead to inflated egos and intellectual 
elitism.  on the other hand, actions without words quickly lose any 
motivation or inspiration or the crucial foundation that marie spoke of.  
but they *must* go hand-in-hand.

paul said:
>These unfortunate people that you
>(both) have been working with are the direct and indirect victims of other
>people's world views (mostly people who haven't taken the time or interest 
>construct coherent belief systems).  I applaud and encourage rhetorical 
>about philosophy, religion, sociology, etc. because the people who are 
>are actively defining who they are and why they believe what they believe.  
>would rather stand with ten thousand thinking people who disagree with me 
>with one mindless person who thinks my ideas are the cat's meow.

i wholeheartedly agree in theory with what you've said, paul.  quite 
frankly, though,  a lot of people who spend a great deal of their time 
exploring ideas and defining their world view don't give a shit about the 
"unfortunate people" with whom i work...or they have never  taken the time 
to build a relationship with those who are the victims of others' world 

sorry--it's been a long week at work.  but now it's over, and i'm off for my 
northwest vacation.  most likely, i'll have a huge mountain of mail from all 
of you to dig through when i get home. =)

a  coulple of quick things:
* i certainly don't mind being mistaken for amy romania--that one's a smart, 
articulate woman!
*  to those of you who are waiting for a personal e-mail from me.  i'm 
sorry, as usual!  i love all of you!

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