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Re: the list is dancing

>From: "helena thibaut" <madamethibaut at hotmail_com>

>Hello again,
Hi back

>A few quick responses. When asked what Over the Rhine song I might most
>associate with dance, I wonder aloud which song most sums up Over the 

Oddly enough, for those who get the irony (and isn't god an iron?)
I'll go with Little Blue River. That song wraps me up like Uma's arms.
and its not just like dancing. it's like sex, in the Father Andrew M. Greely 
sense of "God looks like Sex."

>I think I begin to get the feel of your "community" rather quickly.

>The river itself remains and is nothing so much as a gift.

responding to other replys-

our garbage, I'll wager as in - that weight you sometimes get, near the 
shoulders, weighs about as much as the third stone from the fireball called 
Sol. That garbage. Atlas was a sissy. People do his job daily.

>Kyle, you strike me as a child in desperate need of attention, and perhaps
>this will grow into something of a strength for you.

Quit popping at her for this. She's got no clue what Kyle's like in 
She's miles from our home in grokking this. But she'll dance there. Give her 

>You all seem like a good-hearted bunch. Amy, from your description of your
>work, I must ask if the sensation of following in the footsteps of the
>saints is something that ever sneaks up on you and hands you unexpected 
>that you feel you would in some other walk of life have no access to. I
>admire you. (And this question is conspicuousl

and amazing.

>Or is it?
>I have chosen a life that will not make it possible for me to check in all
>that often, but I will be thinking of you all, and I will try to stop back
>on occasion.

ah, dancers.

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