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Re: protagoras, moral sensibilities, very little otr

fred said:
>OtR content:
>Over the Rhine is a good band from Cincinnatti.
>Amy Smiles is a good person from Cincinnatti who listens to Over the
>Cincinnatti is a native American word meaning, "place where Over the
>Rhine makes music."

fred is, perhaps, one of the smartest people i know.  pretty soon we'll all 
have to start calling him "fred, ph.d"   but he still hasn't learned how to 
spell cincinnati.  it's a common mistake, though--one that we who live here 
will graciously forgive.

hmmm...i've been quiet lately.  i used to love debating things like good and 
evil and absolute truth and the human condition.  but then i started working 
with people who abandon their children and rape their stepchildren and spend 
the majority of their time plotting revenge for anger that has no apparent 
logical cause.  now debate simply exhausts me.  the everyday reality is 
tiring enough...

marquis took some lovely pictures in nyc--thanks for letting us see them, 

>Let's stop roaring, hug, make some coffee, listen to Karin sing.

anyone wanna come over for coffee tonight?


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