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Re: about love

>as a christian i'm talking about sacrificial love.
>the kind that killed god.

When did sacrificial love kill God?  The son of a carpenter is NOT God, No 
more than David Karesh was.  and don't even try the Trinity crap, father, 
son and the holy ghost being one and the same.

>not a made for tv movie.

Actually there have been quite a few made for tv movie, major motion 
pictures, broadway plays, etc, etc, about that son of a carpenter guy.

>maybe that's why you have no faith in good or in love.
>you don't know what you're talking about

hey at least I am not delusional and I take responsibility for everything I 
do and everything that happens to me. When I fuck up, I can admit that I 
fucked up and not part of some grand plan some deity had in store for me, or 
that it works in mysterious ways, Not hiding behind some convient excuse of 
a deity.

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