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Re: gee, thanks....

>were you ever a child who made something for someone you loved?

I rather liked the sarin gas analogy...I do not make things, I do not 
believe in manual labor of any kind, I do not do anything physcially 
constructive with my two hands.  I am a firm believer and participant in the 
rampant modern day commericalism.

>>you are right, it doesn't matter, beauty, happiness and contentment are 
>>transient, but pain, hatred and evil last forever.
>this is almost funny to me.  "pain, man...that's real, and umm, hatred, 
>yeah...and evil, too."  okey dokey.  i am in 100% agreement with your 
>second statement, however the first is flawed...both exist forever, lover.

Not in my experience they don't.  Usually its brief interludes of happiness 
punctuated by long drawn out periods of recovery.

--if you are feeling good about yourself?  don't worry, it will pass--

>i see you saw through my double ontondra, you little minx.  you certainly 
>do know how to charm the ladies.  i know, i know...i'm the only one who 
>thought this.

master of double ontondras at your service, and I do NOT charm, my dear.

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