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prehensile tails rule

I said this:

>If you don't believe that the human soul has nothing good to offer, how,
>I have to ask, did you end up on the Over the Rhine list.

You know when you re-read and change words?  Like when you change
"anything" to "nothing," forgetting that you had already used a "not"
early in the sentence and thus doubling your negations.  Think of this
one as a Spanish double negative construction, adding emphasis rather
than redundancy or logical negation of a negation.  

Adrian suggests:


Heh.  For who?  I had no idea you were being punished, sir.  My sincerest
sympathies.  This reminds me of when CS Lewis suggested that a hell for
humans and a heaven for mosquitoes could go together quite handily.  No .
. . wait.  That might make me a mosquito.  Well.  No metaphor should be
taken too far, and this is only a *similar* metaphor.  Erm.  Yes.  

>B/c if OtR
>doesn't make beauty, then what's the point?

Adrian suggests:

>absolute and sheer boredom

Ah.  I see.  <chanting like a child> Adrian's a li-ar, Adrian's a li-ar!
</chanting like a child>

Re: wolves and baby brains:

>because the wolf does not know any better. to the wolf, its just another

>meal, it makes no difference whether its a baby's brain or a moose.  its

>eating to survive.   to be evil, there must be malicious intent.  i
>think you can prove intent in the case of the wolf.

I didn't want to prove malicious intent on the wolf's part.  I wanted to
suggest that humans have a moral sense that sets them apart from
everything else.  We are capable of immense evil, as evil, but we are
also capable of immense good, as good.  And I thank you for illustrating
the point, Dr. McFadden.

Adrian suggests:

>why not, i bend everyone around me to my mood

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!  You still haven't figured out what we're
doing to you, have you?!!!

And finally, re this post, Chris Emery, ***the Godfeather***, warns,

>But don't ever take sides with anyone against the family again. Ever.

And I just thought that was too funnny not to repeat. :)

Feeling strangely fine,


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