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Subj: Re: people please

<< amy says:
 >How do you figure that?
>> hi amy,
 >>i figure that because it's kind of true.
 have you ever seen any press where they
 are asked if they are christians?
 it's like trying to pull teeth >>

perhaps a stanza from Mark Heard will help here. Maybe they feel the same 
about explaining thier faith to interviewers  as he does when he says:

"I don't believe in cinematic confessional scripts.
I find the greater verbs blister my lips!"

thank you and goodnight. 
Kevin (thought about a whole letter here but figured the above quote would 
say anything I could say much better and much more succinctly)

"I think night-time is dark so you can imagine with less distraction"
-Calvin & Hobbes 
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