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RE: Colloquialisms--(was re: gdbd release)

And then there's

Given a rock and a chance
See which one breaks a window
And see which one keeps me up all night
And into the day


------Original Message------
From: Dusty Volume <marquis at icx_net>

> "wish in the one hand, bird in the other,
> see which one will take me farthest from here"

see, I know this is a direct otr quote and all, but I grew up hearing a
different version of this quote.  I *do* live in the south, so I
wondered if anyone has heard a take on this, and if so, what.  I'll be
first with the one I know.  Stand back--it's crude:

"Wish in one hand,
shit in the other.
See which one fills up quicker."

I can still hear my best friend's dad saying this, in like, 6th grade.

I know, I know.  all this useless trivia.

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