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dreams and stuff again.


(and hi, jan!   i just love it when you people come out of lurking and for
no apparent reason say "hi"  to me,  outta the blue.  happy me.)

as OtR  dreams are back in the thread  (oh, sure,  jg!    if they're
~you're~  over the rhine dreams!!    fascist!!!),   i have a OtR dream to
share from last night.

Restaurant,  fancy,  with a maitre'  d'  and white linen draped tables.
there are four of us at dinner.  2 of us might be Karin and Linford.  1 of
us is me.  don't know who the 4th person was  but i'll assume it was db.
(she says "thank you very much!").
We're at the table,  candlelight,  the 4 of us,  and we're singing out loud
songs from Good Fish Bad Fish,  like EveryJan's Daughter,  and All I
We'd be having a ~really~  good time if i weren't getting all these calls on
a cell 'phone interrupting us rather frequently.   The maitre' d'  keeps
coming up with his cell 'phone,  "you have a call, sir."   and he hands me
the 'phone.
It's one of those 'phones that have the walkie-talkie feature as well,  so
some of the calls are walkie-calls.   some are regular.
At one point i get a call on the walkie-side,  and it's my sister-in-law in
Utah.   We get cut off mid conversation.   Just then Scotty, who (in my real
non-dream life)  works for a bricklaying firm,  and he's got one of these
'phones as well  (which he really does in life),   and he comes into the
restaurant as well.   i see him and he sits at our table,  and we talk about
the 'phone.   i ask him what the range  of his 'phone is and he's talked all
the way down to Tennesee.   I told him i just got a call from Utah,  and
this blows his mind!   he's never heard of a range like that,  but that
probably explains why i got cut off as i did.    maybe some kinda freaky
sunspot activity allowing radio waves to bounce off the atmosphere or
something,   and then just as suddenly they disappeared so the transmission
then (in real life)  i get my shoulder shaken and monica says,  "honey,  you
overslept.  you're late."   and the clock says 7:33  and i say, "oh, f@#k !
what day is it?"  i guess hoping it was Sunday.  It wasn't,  and i was
supposed to be ~at~ work 3 minutes ago.   ooops!

I think i was sleeping all through work today.   I just was making goofy
little errors all day,  although i did have enough presence of mind to dump
my coffee on the cigarette butt fire someone accidentally started.   i
wanted to just use the  intercom to call some smoker to put it out  (seems
fair...)  but then i figured this might be a time-sensitive thing,  maybe i
better act (against my natural inclinations to let smokers take care of
their own smoke related problems.  this is why i will never be a
firefighter, i think.    anyway,  i saved the day,  quite anonymously  ('til
now ).

anyway,  we were singing.  that's pretty much the extent of the OtR content
in the dream.   sorry it was so lame.   i could lie to you and spice it up a
lot,  if you want....  (no, i can't do that)

I had another OtR topic i was thinking of today at work but now i can't
think of what it was.....straining, straining.....uuughhhh,  nope!   no,
not the contract,  not the web site,  not the appearances,   OH!!!  yeah!

OtR on the radio!   that's it.    WAPS  is playing tracks off the "new" Over
the Rhine record  Good Worm Bad Worm,  and for the last couple days
(including today)  i was hearing All I Need Is Everything.   Now,  i'm
thinking to myself,  why this one and not It's Never Quite...  the new one
off the old album?    It's not like 'APS  never had their hands around the
Old Version of Good Armadillo Bad Armadillo  before.    They coulda been
playing AINiE  for years now.   Hey, radio programmer losties,  what'cha
know about this?    Why wouldn't ya be playing the new tune?    (or,  in a
nod to Chris Emery,  "Whassuuuuuuup  {wit 'dis?}" )

oh,  and i have a joke.   request it privately.

jamie  Wook-both-ways:  hi.   i have not let anything  bad happen to your
Michael Kelsey CD and i have not fled with it to a foreign country without
an extradition treaty with the USA.   It's fine and safe and i'll get it to
you at the I Love You Amy Romania Party so you can  GET AN AUTOGRAPH ON THE
DAMN THING!! the next night.  which, incidentally i plan to attend as well.
love, jg.

DM was in the newspaper the other day.   Quotes,  2 pictures,  and all.
Something about an armed robbery......oh, no!  wait.  that was the other
article.  my bad!    this was about Poetry Readings in the Kent and Akron
and Cleveland area,  and how Bonny's  Brady's Cafe is kinda the hot spot
around here for that kind of performance.     Congratulations on your media
exposure,  DM.   Little Ian recognized you from the photo.     ('Course,  he
sees it every week at the post office, too,  when daddy's buying stamps,
but  hey,  credit where credit is due,  huh?)


Miss Jen is single now,  and i'm  married.    RATS!!!!  rats from hell.   (i
love you, monica!)

Nice OtR  webpage.   wonder what kind of cats Terri has.....?

signing off from fascist central headquarters.   (where's billy bragg when
ya need him!?)


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