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Web Site

Wow, Chris, thanks for posting that.

The new site is REALLY nice.  It's rare when a website lives up to 
expectations.  I'm sitting here with a weird three page transposed printout 
of the sheet music to "Latter Days" as the first real fruit I've picked from 
the new site.

It's really nice what they've done with the "past contributors/ current 
contributors" pages.  And maybe you have to be from Cincinnati, or at least 
a fan of Afghan Whigs to nearly roll over laughing at these lines from the 
new site, from Randy Cheek's page:

"While Greg Dulli spends hours in front of a mirror figuring out how he 
wants to hold his cigarette, preparing to yell into a microphone, "I'm a 
ROCK STAR," Chuck Cleever sits quietly beside a country road watching as a 
farmer slams on the pickup truck brakes, runs into a field and beats a 
groundhog to death. We're not quite sure what this means, but the Ass Ponys 
make us think about it. They should probably be Cincinnati's most popular 



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